REPORT 1 – Supporting Erasmus+ international trainees
with disability – a host organisation-employer perspective

This report is dedicated to supporting Erasmus+ international trainees with disability from the perspective of employers volunteering to host students. As the literature often shows a strong positive correlation between knowledge of disability issues and openness to work with people from this group, we have devoted a lot of space in the report to characterising various types of disability. In this way, we wanted to show the diversity of people with disability and help to understand their behaviour and needs in the workplace. We also wanted to ‚disenchant’ disability as it were, to reduce it to an aspect of normal life.

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REPORT 2 – Supporting Erasmus+ international trainees with disability

The aim of this report is to show the most common educational problems that frequently occur and solutions that should be used by the accompanying person (here mentioned also as “supervisor”) when supporting groups with people with disability in the vocational education and training sector (VET).

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REPORT 3 – Special support in technical vocational education

This report has two basic aims. Firstly, it strives at mapping out the current developments in Finland, Poland, Spain, and Italy, regarding the practices to provide special support for those young people with special needs for support, who study to learn a vocational occupation. Secondly, the aim is to introduce such good practices in special support that are currently used in technical vocational education specifically in Finland and give tools to apply and develop these practices for educational purposes in other countries. Thus, this report is targeted to professionals and officials working to enhance special support for young persons with disability in vocational education, and the results presented in this report are aimed to be utilized internationally.

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REPORT 4 – Preparation of VET Students with Disability for participation in Erasmus+ Mobility projects: Focus on “before-mobility” phase

This report aims to provide examples of effective practices and recommendations for including students with disability in international vocational mobility projects, with special focus on the stage of the preparation of the students/group before the mobility. Through the study visits, interviews, group discussions with experts we gathered concrete tips and good practices to be applied with students with disability and other actors involved in the preparation of VET mobility projects.

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SUMMARY REPORT – Supporting the inclusion of participants
with a disability in Erasmus+ VET mobilities

This report is a summary of the work carried out in the project. The first chapter is dedicated to supporting participants of international Erasmus+ internships with disability from the perspective of employers who are willing to host students. The second chapter contains examples of effective practices and recommendations for the inclusion of students with disability in international vocational mobility projects, with particular emphasis on the preparation of students/ groups before mobility. The third chapter focuses on examples of support for accompanying persons in VET projects.

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