duration of the project: 01/12/2022 - 21/07/2023
The main objective of the project is to strengthen the sending, hosting and intermediary organizations in the implementation of vocational training activities involving students with disabilities from technical schools. This objective combines the requirements of the labor market (through the participation of host and intermediary organizations) with the opportunities of the vocational education sector (through the participation of technical schools). This goal is also part of creating new teaching methods and emphasizes the inclusion of people with disabilities. The partnership will fulfill this goal by implementing the 4 main results of the project:
Developing good practices / procedures / tools / patterns of behavior involving people with disabilities in vocational education activities carried out in technical schools. This result will include, inter alia, areas: adaptation of professional laboratories, tools for teachers vocational subjects in the field of teaching people with disabilities, mechanisms of engaging people with disability in school activities, good examples for teachers to sensitize students to their needs people with disabilities, so that educated graduates can better fulfill their professional duties (e.g. sales technicians, IT specialists, etc.).
Development of good practices / procedures / tools / patterns of behavior in the field of adapting the procedures used in mobility projects in terms of the participation of people with disabilities (including recruitment rules, recommendations integration trainings involving people with disabilities in a mobility group, support during preparation and mobility for people with disabilities, methods of evaluation and monitoring adapted to the specificity of disability, etc.).
Development of good practices / procedures / tools / patterns of behavior in the field of adjusting activities carried out in host organizations implementing international internships foreign, in the area of supporting participants with disabilities. Each of the results will be in the form of a separate report resulting from the selection of good practices developed by the partnership during desk research analyzes and international meetings. The results will take into account the perspective of vocational education schools, host and intermediary organizations. This will be done thanks to the appropriate composition of the partnership as well as direct visits to internship sites hosting students with disabilities during international meetings. This will enable the implementation of the assumptions of the cooperation between the business and education sectors.
Developing good practices / procedures / tools / behavior patterns of accompanying persons during foreign professional mobility. This result will include: procedures safety, principles of savoir vivre, the most common educational problems and countermeasures that should be done be used by os. accompanying when caring for groups with people with disabilities.
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